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Stellar Chat

A multi-modal chat application empowers users to create custom agents and integrate with local LLMs and OpenAI, Gemini, Perplexity, and Claude models.


Multi-Model Service Provider Support

Integrate seamlessly with various service providers to access a diverse range of AI models, including OpenAI (GPT, DALL-E, vision), Anthropic (Claude), Google AI (Gemini Pro, Gemini Vision), Groq, Cloudflare, and local model support by Ollama.

Create AI Assistants

Empower your workflow by crafting specialized AI assistants tailored to specific tasks, capable of executing custom actions and utilizing their own knowledge base, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Run custom actions

Create custom actions for seamless integration with your favorite applications like Gmail, Todoist, Spotify, and more, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.

Talk with uploaded files

Upload documents and websites to engage in conversations and interactions, enhancing the capability to interact with diverse content sources.

Visual Recognition

Utilize the powerful visual recognition capabilities of the GPT-4-Vision model and Gemini Vision.

Text-to-Image Generation

Generate images from text inputs using advanced models such as Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 3.

Support for TTS & STT

Enable text-to-speech (TTS) and speech-to-text (STT) functionalities within the application.